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Benefits of being a member in SAR

Welcome to Swedish Airsoft Regiment!

Here we've gathered all the benefits you can take part of as a member in SAR.

- Community -
As a member in SAR you get to be a part of our great community.
We always try to help each other, regardless if you need a ride to a event or to find someone to solve your weird gearbox-problems you can probably find someone in SAR to help you out.


- Borrow gear -

SAR has a fair amount of things that you can borrow for free.
If you are a new player, as long as you let us know in advance, you can borrow guns and safety-gear during our games.
We also have a couple of big tent that you can borrow for big games and a bunch of game-props that you can use if you want to host your own games.

- Discount on SJ -

We all want to be able to travel around the country to attend events so Sverok has hooked us up with a 10% discount for SJ.
To use the discount, go to this website. There is a password and unfortunately we cant post it openly but if you contact us, you'll get it.

- Discounts on Scandic and Nordic Choice hotels -

Perhaps you need a place to stay when traveling.


To get a discount, use this code when booking: D000038661
The discount depends a bit on how many rooms and how many people per room you book.
Nordic Choice hotels
To get this discount, use this code when booking: 60313636
You get 15% discount on Quality Hotel & Clarion Hotel
And 10% on Comfort Hotel & Clarion Collection


- Insurance-
Thru Sverok we get an insurance that cover accidents to, from and during events organized by SAR or other organizers connected to Sverok.

More info here:


- Discount in Stars Tacticals webshop -

You get a 10% discount on everything in the webshop with a code that's posted in the facebook-group, forum and discord.

- Discount with Wizeguy Actionshop -

You get a 10% discount on everything in the shop with a code that's posted in the facebook-group, forum and discord.

- Discount on games -
As a member in SAR you play for 100kr on most of the SAR-games on Räddningsskolan. You also get a discount on most games organized by ST.A.R.S. and Heavysofters

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