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Pyroteknik klass P1 och P2 

Because of MSBs education-requirements to use pyro like smoke and explosive grenades in airsoft games everyone that wish to do so is forced to complete a "D-utbildning" and get a certificate to use our products.

This training-course generally costs between 5000 and 9000kr per person depending on the educator.


We in SAR just don't think that is's fair that our bellowed hobby gets harder rules and regulations that basically makes pyro unusable because of the high cost of the training. 

Because of this, we decided to send one of our members on a full D-training and let him go thru all the paperwork to become a training-coordinator via MSB. This makes him the first and as far as we know only D-educator for airsoft pyro-products in Sweden.

We offer our members a D-training for pyro-products in category P1 and P2 for airsoft-use for 350kr/ person.

The training gives you a certificate and a registration with MSB to use pyro in games where the organizer allow it and have permission for usage.

Today, we can only train our members, this i a demand from MSB.

A membership in SAR costs 250kr/ year and gives you a bunch of discounts from our partners and an insurance from the youth union Sverok.

The training usually takes place after our membership-games but we can also organize training opportunities for individual groups and on other places in Sweden. For more information and bookings, contact us via the contact-form here on our website.


Help us to keep our bellowed hobby the way we want.

Best wishes - SAR

Upcoming dates

December 14th - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg

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