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Big games  


We hold most of our games at the field Räddningsskolan in Rosersberg, Stockholm.
The field is normally a training-area for firefighters and such, it contains a mix of urban- and forest-areas.

We try to hold 1 game each month in this field, the games are open for everyone and costs 100kr for SAR members and 200kr for non-members.
If you want to become a member on one of these games, you'll get a discount on the membership, you pay 300kr for the game and a full membership.

All SAR-members can "rent" a game-kit for free during our games, the kit contains a gun, eye- and mouth-protection, armbands and a deathrag. BBs can be bought at the on-site-shop or provided by a friend.

Standard Rules:
- You must be 18 or over to play -

- You must wear safety-glasses/ goggles -
- You must have an orange dethrag -
- To use pyro, you must have a valid D-certificate for airsoft-pyro - 
- You should have your armbands red/yellow. One on each arm (colored patches does not replace armbands -
- We recommend the use of face- and ear-protection -
- All guns must be chronoed before the game - (#2020tabellen)
- Full auto is allowed in all classes except DMR och sniper -
- Only CQB and Semi indoors and while shooting out from the bottom floor-

(Snipers and such can shoot out from floor 2 and up)

- You can shoot thru all openings as long as you count your safety-distance to the first obstacle you shoot thru -
- All grenades is allowed except red and yellow smoke -

(Used to mark objectives in-game)
- Smoke-grenades can only be used out-doors -
- Grenades have a kill-area of 5m outside or the whole room inside -
- All hits kill you, including weapon-hits and friendly fire -
- In the safe-zone, no magazines in the guns -
- You shouldn't move or build things on the field - 
- If you hurt yourself and need help or if you see "civilians" on the field, yell  ”Avbryt!”
- Show respect and enjoy the game -
- We will be taking photos and video during the day. If you don't  want to be on picture, let us know and we'll try to not catch you. If you end up on pictures we'll do our best to blur you -

Upcoming games:

Gun & Fun - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg - August 25th

Gun & Fun - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg - September 29th

Gun & Fun - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg - October 27th

Gun & Fun - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg - November 30th

Gun & Fun - Räddningsskolan - Rosersberg - December 14th

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